Field Museum Mask and marching band performance

Charlie Barbera
Charlie Barbera

EE march at the Field Museum of Natural History
photography by Alyce Henson

This performance consisted of EE in costume, parading around the Field Museum Lobby, which is huge, and houses such creatures as Dinosaurs, giant Totem poles from the Pacific Northwest, Tibeten gongs, and one great group of costumed marching freaks.

A very rare gathering of global wanderers of EE and ultra kickin musicians. Kurt is now a member of his own ensemble, Trapeze, and in Pum Pum Sin Manteca, (ee's favorite party band) as well.

David is currently travelling in the 4th plane.

Stag Vader, aka Tom, is learning how to play different instruments with each antler as well.

marching band art
Kurt Iselt, Dave Meyers and Tom Dennehy
strange music parade
Charlie, tinman, Clowny and worm1
The sulfuric worm with his tongue sticking out, complimenting the other insruments. The "humanoids" play special rhythms to call the worms forth from the depths of the cavernous Field Museum basement.

A Sawfish playing musical saw? Here Scot K. Larson plays musical saw, as Sawfishy, the sawfish country music playin bard.

He knows his cloggin too.

Scott Larson as SawFishy
saw fish costume
SawFishy, multi-tasking
Check those flares out. I think I saw someone in the Original Superfly wearing something like that. Come to think of it, thats the musical saw player!!!!!

TinMan did not tumble down the amazing marble staircase at the Grand Lobby of the Limestone and Solid Field Museum of Natural History.

By far, one of Chicago's best museums, the Field had a fundaraiser called "Hidden in the Hall", in which museum board members, benefactors and curators were exposed to some fresh, fun costumed marches consisting of traditional Carribean and Moroccan street and ceremonial music.


tin man costume
John Santoro as TinMan
Giant costume
TJ Stephens as nine foot tall freak

TJ was on stilts, and played grand shaman. His full costume is not featured here unfortunately, but can be seen in the 1999 Howl indoor photographs.

We wont tell anyone that its a repeat costume TJ.

Two trombone playing, sulfuric vent worms.

The Field museum scored a coup with this one. (and you thought Sue was a big attraction).

Well, Sue might draw more people, but scientists agree, it is far more beneficial to mankind to finally study the habits of the sulfuric trombone playing vent worms in captivity.

It was found out later, that the worms can immediately morph into a gelatinous fluid and leak to wherever they please. They were reportedly sighted playing Sweet Georgia Brown on a Gary gambling boat.

hydrothermic trombone worms
Early worms, worm1 and worm2
sulfuric vent worms
Old School Worms
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