EE Member Guidelines

EE Marching Band General Guidelines 3.5 (updated Aug. 17, 2018)

These GUIDELINES serve to introduce new people to the band,
and outline what is expected of every member of Environmental Encroachment.

EE works hard to maintain an inclusive policy by inviting many people to practice and perform with us.
These guidelines help us to be successful:

1. You must practice in order to perform with us. Members who have been gone for a while should come to several practices before returning to performances. Musical directors will lead us during practice. Practices are usually held Fridays from 8 to 10PM. Please be PUNCTUAL to events and practices.

2. Every potential new member of the band must have a sponsor that invites them to practice. This sponsor will work with the new person (along with the appropriate section members) to determine when they are ready for performance. Potential new members will use their sponsor as their main contact for EE. New potential members are encouraged to see both practices and shows in preparation for joining EE.

3. Our band leaders and musical directors make us great. Everyone should listen to direction. This includes performance details as well as logistics and business issues. We will work to make sure that each day, performance, and each song has a leader or leaders to guide us.

4. There are extreme circumstances under which we ask people to leave the band. However, in order to maintain our mission of inclusiveness, we prefer to employ band discussions and face-to-face requests for behavior change. Group e-mails are not the best device for certain communications.

5. Members are expected to help promote shows and help build our audiences. Social Media, flyers, posters, press releases, graphics, post-show relations, and street teaming are examples of things band members can do to help promote. NEVER Complain or be negative towards EE on Social Media, or at any social event, especially On Stage.

Special Touring Section.

6. TOURS are a reward for all our hard work. If you join us on tour you must make every effort to be at all the scheduled practices and shows, and be responsible to the band, its members, and for the work to be done on tour. Everyone (including a friend or significant other) who is fed and/or housed by HONK must contribute significantly to the band's efforts on tour. This includes taking Initiative and being Industrious with helping, cleaning, listening, and all tasks for our tour leaders, our hosts, drivers, and facilitators.

6.a. Radical Self-Reliance: Tours require extra logistical work. In respect for those setting up the tour, and organizing, you will be expected to be prepared in advance. Please Do Not Ask Band Leaders questions on tour. If you have questions, first seek the answer yourself, then ask your sponsor, or section mates. There will be daily band members who will act as POINT Contacts for certain days. Most answers can be found online, or in the e-mail chains or from the Daily Contact person.
* (Avoid asking Mike any questions on tour).

6.b. Social Responsibility: Contribute. Find ways to contribute.

'Band Nodes' are also part of the EE magic. They are the part-time band members, distant members, and alumni who join us at HONK tours and other events. When a node asks to join us, the request is shared with the EE tour coordinator(s). We can then ask the node to join us on tour. YOU Must ASK the band director and members if you would like to go on tour with EE.

6.c. Appreciation, and 'Gifting'. Treat all EE members, Hosts, Drivers, Venues, Food workers, Volunteers and Audience members with utmost respect.

6.d,. We want to return, even better~! LEAVE NO TRACE.
Always work hard on tour to Respect and CLEAN the places we Stay and Perform.


Tour and Show Tips:

Phones, Wallets, and Keys:

When these are lost, it can cripple a tour, or a person's communication.

These 3 things are in jeapordy of being lost. We have all lost them.
1. Keep them together, maybe on a tether or in a specific pouch.
1a. Use thin rope, or Carabiners, or chain wallets or pouches can work as well.
2. Keep them 'attached' to you or 'attached' your instrument case if you need to.
3. Have copies of your id's with your baggage in case of any accidental loss.
4. DON'T BRING THEM to gigs if you don't need to.
5. Be aware of their importance during those 'chaotic times', and always use care and memory.
6. Maybe try a hip belt pouch or pack, maybe made by Fabric Horse company (like Mike's).


Communications from Music Director via Hand signals,
i.e. "Keep going", "Cut", "Wind it up", "You Solo", "Bring it down"

Set lists and song knowledge. No stage confusions.
*NEVER Any ON-STAGE arguments or 'discussions'.

Know where your section is.
Know the Set List.

Always keep a smile.
Never let the audience know you made a mistake.
Never let the audience know this is 'not our best show" or "not a full group".
Be positive about the show and them.
Meet fans.

Help to sell Merch.

-For organizers setting up shows:


- Event name, date, location, call time, performance times
- Green Room: Instruments, costumes, Secure storage, water beer
- Artist List and Guest list
- Logistics, parking, call time, soundcheck
- Pay deal, Package, invoice?, or tax forms?, insurance form?
- Talking with Sound guy, sound checks?, lighting? stage plots?

Gig-o-matic online App.
- Posters
- Flyers
- Press release
- Facebook, Social Media
- Web update Info, Link, Photo
- Graphics and Links
- Physical and Cyber Street Teams

Arrange for documentation of show?

EE show set up
- Set List, Song leaders, Show Strategy, Soloists?
- Costumes, Theme, Special Theatrics?,
- Merchandise. Display light, price list, t-shirt rack, posters,
Hand out Business Cards and strategy to get our name out during show
Signage, Human Mic, march to merch table?,
Organize transport, and inventory of Merchandise and Signage for Exit.

-Get names for mailing list, contacts.
*Get payment and Secure

- Exodus/Clean up
- Dealing with securing payout - other bands, members expenses
- Show followup with club if needed

- Follow up on Documentation - photos video

-Attendance and accounting
-update web, post on event page - conclusion
- Thank you's, FB shout outs
- Contacts with Notes



Tours usually have a separate e-mail thread, with additions of others.
Each member should be signed up their STATUS of Going or Not, on our Gig-o-Matic app.

Only e-mail the Group list if you HAVE TO.
And do not reply to the whole group,
KEEP E-MAIL Chains minimal and to the point, no fluff appreciated.
Select the person/persons you wish to communicate with for a separate e-mail.

-Have all EE phone numbers in your phone~!
"Oh, I left my istrument in A's Car, but I don't have his phone number, B has the number here, but his phone is dead" Etc.

E-mail is not the way to speak with the band about issues. Please contact a member, or come to a Tour Tuesday.

Tour Tuesday's are usually Tuesday's devoted to Band Meetings on many topics, including touring, PR, and policy.

--Free App for Band Organizing - Gig-o-Matic ---

Gig Spreadsheet for attendance can be joined by sending a request at:

Please put information including guests, and transportation status on this spreadsheet as well.

Band is currently )8/17/18) using SLACK as a Group Chat and Messaging APP.

You can turn this App OFF when not needed.

1. Chatter and things we don't cover in practices
2. Band news, tour plans, and scheduling
3. Tours, Special Events, and smaller groups


Links to: EE Home EE Archive
Contact EE

Copyright ©1996-2015 Environmental Encroachment (EE)